Study In New Zealand

New Zealand has a very good international reputation in Information Technology and has pioneered a number of initiatives in this field. The ‘Americas Cup Satellite Mapping System’ was developed in Dunedin, New Zealand.
The expertise of the New Zealand film industry is clearly portrayed in the special effects of Peter Jackson’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy, “King Kong” and Andrew Adamson’s “Narnia”, all of which were filmed in New Zealand.
International PISA research illustrates that students studied in New Zealand perform with the very best internationally.
English language based education system of New Zealand matches with the best in the world.
Students are assessed through a mixture of internal (school based) and external (national examination based) assessment which focuses on the skills that students need to acquire in a modern world. Each student receives a New Zealand ‘Record of Achievement’ which provides a detailed record of the skills a student demonstrates. Qualifications can be added to when a student moves into the tertiary sector or the workforce. It encourages life-long learning.
New Zealand has a small population and wide open spaces. You will feel safe and enjoy the ‘clean green’ country excellent teaching and earn qualifications recognised and respected around the world.
New Zealand attracts numerous students because of its quality education matching up with affordable Tuition fees and economical cost of living.
Taking it to the lighter side of life you can try all the high adrenalin sports like bungee jumping, jet boating, white-water rafting, heliskiing, skiing, snow-boarding, indoor rock climbing, mountain climbing, trail bike riding and much more.